"90.-Vanishing Point.-Classic Seventies movie, labeled as the ultimate car chase movie. Barry Newman (later Petrocelli) stars as Kowalski."

"92.-Mr Deeds goes to Town.-Great Frank Capra film, and more if you have Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur in it."

"94.-Monkey business.-Anythig from the Marx Brothers is laughs and entertainment assured. Great talents"

"95.-I married a witch.-Wonderful Veronica Lake film, it is said that it became the main inspiration for the Bewitched TV serie later on."

"96.-Heaven can wait. Anything where Gene Tierney is featured is guarantee of entertainment and pure pleasure to watch, as she stands as one of the prettiest actresses from the Golden years of Hollywoo"

"99.-City Lights. Great movie, one of the best from Chaplin. Virginia Cherrill stars as the blind girl, Cherrill later married Cary Grant"